Welcome to The TSB version of the NT
TSB - SBIR, the NT version of the Romanian Interconfessional Bible Society, SBIR (Traducerea Societatii Biblice Interconfesionale din Romania, SBIR), in html format:
The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles:
Matei | Marcu | Luca | Ioan | Fapte
The Pauline Corpus
Romani | 1Corinteni | 2Corinteni | Galateni | Efeseni | Filipeni | Coloseni | 1Tesaloniceni | 2Tesaloniceni | 1Timotei | 2Timotei | Tit | Filimon
The General Epistles
Evrei | Iacov | 1Petru | 2Petru | 1Ioan | 2Ioan | 3Ioan | Iuda
The Revelation
Glosary Glosar p.502-503
| Glosar p.504-405
| Glosar p.506-507
| Glosar p.508-509
| Glosar p.510-511