New Testament Introduction

NT Curriculum, general bibliography

Term lectures time table

NT course presentation, part 1

NT course presentation, part 2

NT textbooks:

  • NT Introduction - part 1, The Context and the writing of the NT (see parts 1-2-3, revised edition 2009 (2003))

  • NT Introduction - part 2, The Synoptic Gospels

  • NT Introduction - part 3, John's Gospel and the Book of Acts

  • NT Introduction - part 4-a: Paul's Epistles (see book, printed 2009)

  • NT Introduction - part 4-b: The Catholic Epistles and the Revelation (see book, printed 2009)

  • NT Course Resources

    Lectures and exams notes and Q&A.

    In order to go back, click main page


    Note: All resources, save the curriculum, are meant for personal use and study, at the College, not for free distribution and not for sale or resale.