Hebrews Course Bibliography

1. Exegetical studies on Hebrews

Introductory matters, part 1, excerpts from A.E. Trotter, Jr., Interpreting the Epistle to the Hebrews, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997

Introductory matters, part 2, excerpts from A.E. Trotter, Jr., Interpreting the Epistle to the Hebrews, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997

G.H. Guthrie, Exegesis of Hebrews and General Epistles in S.E. Porter (ed), Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament, Leiden: Brill, 1997

Bruce M. Metzger, Hebrews section in Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek NT

David A. Black, Heb 1.1-4, A Study in Discourse Analysis

Ellingworth, Like the Son of God, Form and content in Heb. 7.1-10

M. Thiessen, Hebrews 12.5-13, the Wilderness Period, and Israel's Discipline

Turner, The Style of the Epistle to the Hebrews

2. Course materials

Translation quiz no.1

Translation quiz no.2

Translation quiz no.3

Introductory matters quiz

Hebrews exegesis worksheet, example, Heb 6.9-12

General exegetical steps, for an exegetical / paper, or article

Hebrews exegesis timetable

Exctracts from Plato, Menexenos, as an example of discourse rhetorics

Hebrews exegesis notes, still in construction

3. General articles on exegesis

a. from S.E. Porter (ed), Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament, Leiden: Brill, 1997:

Porter, Defining exegesis

Porter, The contexts of the NT

Porter, NT literary genres

Porter, Textual analysis

D.R. Catchpole, Different types of NT approaches

C.A. Evans, The life of Jesus

C.E. Tucket, Synoptic Gospels and Acts

S.E. Porter, Exegesis in Pauline Letters

J.Painter, The Johannine Literature

b. from S.E. Porter (ed), Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation, Abingdon, UK (also NY): Routledge, 2009:

Allen Brent, "Patristic Interpretation" in Porter, DBCI, 254-264

Richard N. Longenecker, "Early Church Interpretation", in Porter, DBCI, 78-89

Bruce D. Chilton, "Rabbinic Judaism", in Porter, DBCI, 300-304; and "Rabbinic Rules of Interpretation", DBCI, 304-306


4. Various public domain articles on exegesis:

Apostolic hermeneutics

Biblical exegesis, Encyclopedia Catholica

Some bibliography on exegesis

On allegory

Neo-patristic exegesis and R. Bultmann

How to write and check an exegetical essay

Rules for OT and NT exegesis

General rules in patristic exegesis

A critical approach to the grammatical-historical type of exegesis

Origen on exegesis

European studies on exegesis

Exegetic guide - the main steps of exegesis

Studies on the use of OT in NT

Exegetical methods

J. Piper, Biblical Exegesis. Discovering the Meaning of Scriptural Texts

R.L. Thomas, The Relationship between Exegesis and Expository Preaching

More exegetical bibliography and help

F.F. Bruce, Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960


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