General Resources

NT Survey
Witherington iii, NT History

Blackwell NT Companion

Oxford Biblical Studies Handbook

Carson-Morris, Introduction to NT

Gospel Structures, Tyndale lecture notes

The Theology of Luke-Acts

Carson-Morris, Introduction to NT

The Gospel before Gospel

The Temple in Luke-Acts

Gill, Lukan Travel Narrative

Grundwissen NT

Greek idiom in the Gospels

Table Fellowship

Symposia in Luke-Acts

Biblical Theology of the NT

C. Helmert: Biblical Theology

D.A. Carson: Biblical Theology

D.A. Carson, again on Biblical Theology

B.S. Rosner: Biblical Theology

Scobie: The History of BT

Steve Motyer, Two Testaments, One Biblical Theology, 2000

NT Glossary

Christ hermeneutics in NT

PPT Introduction in BT

PPT Introduction in BT: NT and OT

PPT Introduction in BT: Models used in building a BT

Balla on Raisanen, re: BTNT


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Note: All resources listed here are destined for class use and personal research of the students. Therefore, they cannot be copied, sold, or freely distributed.