Hebrews Course Materials

1. Hebrews exegesis - course materials

Courses timetable 3-14 Feb 2014

Syllabus Exegesis of Hebrews 2014

Assignments table

Introduction quiz

Translation quiz1

Translation quiz2

Hebrews, Greek Text, UBS4

2. Introductory Commentaries on Hebrews

Carson, Morris, Introduction to NT

Aquinas, Commentary on Hebrews

Calvin, Commentary on Hebrews, html

Calvin, Commentary on Hebrews (Hebrews Latin text)

Quiggle, Private Commentary on Hebrews

Constable, Hebrews Notes

Ebrard, Hebrews Commentary

Smith, Hebrews exegesis

Isaacs, Hebrews Commentary

Lindars, Hebrews Rhetorical Structure

MacLeod, Hebrews Literary Structure

McKnight, Warnings in Hebrews

Trotter, Excerpts - Hebrews Exegesis - part1

Trotter, Excerpts - Hebrews Exegesis - part2

Westcott - Hebrews Commentary

Outline of Hebrews

Metzger, Excerpts - Textual Commentary on Hebrews

FF Bruce, Textual Problems in Hebrews

3. Studies on Hebrews

Swetnam, Hebrews 1-6

Ebert, Chiasm in Hebrews 1.1-4

Black, Discourse in Hebrews 1

Motyer, Psalms in Hebrews 1

Gleason, Eschatology in Hebrews 2

Jesus vs Moses in Hebrews 3.1-6

Christ and Faith in Hebrews 5.11-6.20

Compton, on Hebrews 6

DeSilva, on Hebrews 6,part1

DeSilva, on Hebrews 6,part2

Grudem, Perseverance in Hebrews 6

Snyman, on Hebrews 6

Verbrugge, on Hebrews 6

Witherington, iii, on Hebrews 6

Ellingworth, on Hebrews 7

Gleason, Eschatology in Hebrews 10

Grasser, on Hebrews 10

Chiasm in Hebrews 11

Rhee, Chiasm in Hebrews 11

Eisenbaum, on Hebrews 11

Platon, Menexenos, parallels with Hebrews 11

Scott, on Hebrews 12, archegos

Paideia in Hebrews 12

Cranfield, on Hebrews 13

Cosmology in Hebrews

DeSilva, Apostasy in Hebrews

DeSilva, Honor in Hebrews

Center of Doctrines, in Hebrews

The Faith of Abraham in Hebrews

Thompson, Hermeneutics in Hebrews

Manson, Introduction in Hebrews

Black, Literary Structure of Hebrews

MacLeod, Literary Structure of Hebrews

Melchisedek in Hebrews

Osborne, Christ and Other Religions, in Hebrews

Perseverance in Hebrews

Priesthood in Hebrews

Enns, Psalm 95 in Hebrews

Schagen, Christ Supremacy in Hebrews

The Superiority of Christ, in Hebrews

Seven Major Theological Themes in Hebrews

Warnings in Hebrews

The Literary Genre of Hebrews

4. G.M. Gulan exegetical charts and studies on Hebrews


Hebrews, full outline

Hebrews, introduction part1

Hebrews, introduction part2

Hebrews, introduction part3

Hebrews, introduction part4


Hebrews 1.1-4, the Prologue

Hebrews 1.4-2.18, Christ and the Angels

Hebrews 1-3

Hebrews 3, Christ is superior to Moses

Hebrews 4, Christ is superior to Joshua

Hebrews 4-5, Christ is superior to Aaron

Hebrews 4, The New Rest / Sabbath for the Church

Hebrews 7, Christ Superior to the Levitical Priesthood

Hebrews 9, Christ and the Time for Spiritual Reformation

Hebrews, 8-10, Christ Superior to the OT Tabernacle

Hebrews 7-10, Christ and Melchisedek

Warning Passages in Hebrews 6

Hebrews, Warning Passages, chart

The Warning Passages in Hebrews

Hebrews 10

Hardened Hearts

Hebrews, Christ Superior to the Law

Hebrews, Christ Superior to the Old Covenant

sacrifices, Hebrews 10.2-14

Faith, Hebrews 11.1-40

Hebrews 12.1-13, Discipline

Hebrews 13.1-25, Christian Living

Sin revealed in Hebrews


Tabernacles chart

Salvation history chart

God, Moses, the Covenant chart

God, Moses, God's Plan chart

Purging chart

Earthly Tabernacle chart

History Bible chart

Three Parts of the Law chart

Jesus the Better High Priest, Heb.4-5, chart

Angels, Heb.1.4-2.18, chart

Better House, Heb.3, chart

Heb.4.12, chart

Christ and Levitical Priesthood, chart

Christ's Better Priesthood, chart

Christ's Better Covenant, chart

Christ Fulfilled the Law, chart

Christ and Sacrifices, chart

Parallels between Revelation and Hebrews 1-2, chart

Covenants, chart

Heb.4, Christ's Better Sabbath, chart

Hebrews and Leviticus, chart

Importance of the OT, chart

the Earthly Tabernacle, 2 views, chart

Old Covenant, chart

Convenants, Old and New, in Hebrews, chart

OT replaced, chart

OT fulfilled, chart

Purpose of the Law, chart

The Ten Commandments, chart

5.General articles on exegesis

a. from S.E. Porter (ed), Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament, Leiden: Brill, 1997:

Porter, Defining exegesis

Porter, The contexts of the NT

Porter, NT literary genres

Porter, Textual analysis

D.R. Catchpole, Different types of NT approaches

C.A. Evans, The life of Jesus

C.E. Tucket, Synoptic Gospels and Acts

S.E. Porter, Exegesis in Pauline Letters

J.Painter, The Johannine Literature

b. from S.E. Porter (ed), Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation, Abingdon, UK (also NY): Routledge, 2009:

Allen Brent, "Patristic Interpretation" in Porter, DBCI, 254-264

Richard N. Longenecker, "Early Church Interpretation", in Porter, DBCI, 78-89

Bruce D. Chilton, "Rabbinic Judaism", in Porter, DBCI, 300-304; and "Rabbinic Rules of Interpretation", DBCI, 304-306

6. Various public domain articles on exegesis:

Apostolic hermeneutics

Biblical exegesis, Encyclopedia Catholica

Some bibliography on exegesis

On allegory

Neo-patristic exegesis and R. Bultmann

How to write and check an exegetical essay

Rules for OT and NT exegesis

General rules in patristic exegesis

A critical approach to the grammatical-historical type of exegesis

Origen on exegesis

European studies on exegesis

Exegetic guide - the main steps of exegesis

Studies on the use of OT in NT

Exegetical methods

J. Piper, Biblical Exegesis. Discovering the Meaning of Scriptural Texts

R.L. Thomas, The Relationship between Exegesis and Expository Preaching

More exegetical bibliography and help

F.F. Bruce, Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts. London: The Tyndale Press, 1960


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