P.W. Gray, "Political Theology and the Theology of Politics: Carl Schmitt and Medieval Christian Political Thought", Humanitas, vol.xx, no.1/2 (2007), 175-200.
C. Wigglesworth, "Political Theology", in S.B. Ferguston et al (eds), New Dictionary of Theology, Leicester: IVP, 1988, 520-522
Contextul politic al NT: Relatii politice, simboluri nationale
C.J.H. Wright, Living as the People of God. The Relevance of OT Ethics, Leicester: IVP, 1983, 46-64
N.T.Wright, The New Testament and the People of God, London: SPCK, 1992, 216-243
J. Giblert si R. Girard, "Legamant", in X. Leon-Dufour et al (eds), Vocabular de teologie biblica, Bucuresti: Ed Arh.RC, 2001, 356-362
"covenant", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 176-178
"temple", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 849-851
"circumcision", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 148-149
J.Bright, A History of Israel, London: SCM, 1991, 148-162 (despre legamant)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod, Oxford: OUP, 1967, 17-59 (iudeii sub ptolemei si seleucizi)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod, Oxford: OUP, 1967, 60-81 (iudeii sub dinastia hasmoneilor)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod, Oxford: OUP, 1967, 82-102 (iudeii sub romani)
Conceptiile mesianice in VT si perioada intertestamentala
Doua introduceri bune:
E.P. Sanders, Judaism. Practice and Belief 63BCE - 66 CE, London: SPCK, 1992, 279-301
M.J. Selman, "Messianic Mysteries", in P.E. Satterthwaite, R.S.Hess, G.J. Wenham (eds), The Lord's Annointed. Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts, Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1995, 281-302
Studii punctuale, pe teme mesianice in VT si literatura apocrifa:
J. Duguid, "Messianic Themes in Zechariah 9-14", in P.E. Satterthwaite, R.S.Hess, G.J. Wenham (eds), The Lord's Annointed. Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts, Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1995, 265-280 (mesia care sufera, este ucis)
D. Schibler, "Messianism and Messianic Prophecy in Isaiah 1-12 and 28-33", in P.E. Satterthwaite, R.S.Hess, G.J. Wenham (eds), The Lord's Annointed. Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts, Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1995, 87-104
G.P. Hugenberger, "The Servant of the Lord in The Servant Songs of Isaiah: A Second Moses Figure", in P.E. Satterthwaite, R.S.Hess, G.J. Wenham (eds), The Lord's Annointed. Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts, Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1995, 105-139
D.C. Mitchell, "Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums", Aramaic Studies, Vol. 4.2 (2006): 221-241
D.C. Mitchell, "Firstborn Shor and Rem: A Sacrificial Josephite Messiah in 1 Enoch 90.37-38 and Deuteronomy 33.17", JSP Vol. 15.3 (2006): 211-228
Discutii despre referintele mesianice din manuscrisele de la Marea Moarta:
R. Eisenman si M. Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Witheld for Over 35 Years, New York, NY: Penguin, 1993, 17-50
G. Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, revised and extended 4th ed., New York, NY: Penguin, 1995, 354-361
L.H. Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jerusalem: JPS, 1994,317-327, 341-350 (cf. mesia care sufera)
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