Introducere: obiect, metoda TPNT
P.O. Espejo, On Political Theology and the Possibility of Superseding It, Yale University.
Cateva perspective istorice
O prezentare a lui Carl Schmitt:
P.W. Gray, "Political Theology and the Theology of Politics: Carl Schmitt and Medieval Christian Political Thought", Humanitas, vol.xx, no.1/2 (2007), 175-200.
I. David, "From dialectics to political theology: rethinking complexity in federalism"
P. Hohendahl, "Political Theology Revisited: Carl Schmitt's Postwar Reassessment", Konturen 1 (2008) 1-28
S. Ostovich, "Carl Schmitt, Political Theology, and Eschatology", KronoScope 7 (2007) 49-66
M. Hollerich, Carl Schmitt, in BCPT, 107-122
G. Marramao, The Exile of the Nomos: for a Critical Profile of Carl Schmitt. Rome University.
Contextul politic al NT: Relatii politice, simboluri nationale
C. Rowland, Scripture: New Testament, in BCPT, 21-34
C.J.H. Wright, Living as the People of God. The Relevance of OT Ethics , Leicester: IVP, 1983, 46-64
N.T.Wright, The New Testament and the People of God , London: SPCK, 1992, 216-243
"covenant", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 176-178
"temple", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 849-851
"circumcision", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 148-149
J.Bright, A History of Israel , London: SCM, 1991, 148-162 (despre legamant)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod , 60-81 (iudeii sub dinastia hasmoneilor)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod , 82-102 (iudeii sub romani)
A. Puig, Iisus. Un profil biografic (despre partide si miscari)
Conceptiile mesianice in VT si perioada intertestamentala
Doua introduceri bune:
E.P. Sanders, Judaism. Practice and Belief 63BCE - 66 CE , London: SPCK, 1992, 279-301
Studii punctuale, pe teme mesianice in VT si literatura apocrifa:
D.C. Mitchell, "Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums", Aramaic Studies, Vol. 4.2 (2006): 221-241
Discutii despre referintele mesianice din manuscrisele de la Marea Moarta:
Viata sociala in timpul NT: relatii sociale, familia, sclavii, strainii
Rowland, utopia (Christian Origins )
Bouquet, bussines (Life in the NT )
Bouquet, slavery (Life in the NT )
Classical life, partea1 (Curs Oxford)
Classical life, partea2 (Curs Oxford)
M. Gagarin, Torturarea sclavilor in Atena
Casatoria in NT, Dictionary of NT Background
W. Scheidel, The Roman slave supply, May 2007, Princeton / Standford
Sclavia, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Familia socio-economica, Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments
Sclavia, Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments
Articole despre Grecia clasica
Lex Aquilia (contra sclavilor)
BBC - Sclavii in Roma antica: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Viata culturala in timpul NT
O. Baban, Introducere NT , partea 1, vezi sectiunea despre Septuaginta
O. Baban, Conflicts in Acts (Journal of European Baptist Studies, 2001)
B. Witherington iii, New Testament History. A Narrative Introduction
Aristotel, Politica (extrase): cetate, sclavi, educatie, familii
C.D.C Reeve, Platon, in D. Boucher si P. Kelly, Mari Ganditori Politici, All, Bucuresti, 2008, 50-67
C. Tsatsos, Filosofia sociala a vechilor greci (re: Aristotel, organizarea cetatii)
C. Tsatsos, Filosofia sociala a vechilor greci (re: Platon, cetatea ideala, Republica, Legile)
Mihai Gramatopol, Civilizatia elenistica (extrase: etica si enciclopedism; scolile filosofice)
Seland, crestinii ca prozeliti si paroikos (straini) in 1 Petru
Platon, Republica (eng., html)
N. Pappas, Plato and the Republic
Tot despre NT si cultura: concepte
G. Getz, 3 lentile culturale...
V. Robbins, culture (vezi definitii si structuri)
V. Robbins, social and cultural texture (vezi categorii culturale, la final)
D. Davies, "The study of religion", Lion Handbook. The World's Religions.
C. Lamb, "The Claim to be Unique", in Lion Handbook, The World's Religions.
Roma si strainii: orientalii, grecii, egiptenii (extrase din Vergiliu, Juvenal, Pliniu)
Sclavia in imperiul roman si relatiile culturale romane-grecesti
Herodot, Istorii, paralele culturale (1 Cor. 15, Luca 1, Fapte 1)
Herodot, Istorii (despre sciti si straini)
Platon, Menexenos (extras, cf. Evrei, venerarea eroilor)
J. Baechler, "Religia", in R. Boudon, Tratat de sociologie .
B. Valade, "Cultura", in R. Boudon, Tratat de sociologie .
A.J. Bacevich, "Prophets and Poseurs. Niebuhr and Our Times", World Affairs (2008), 24-37
J. Stevens, "Should we forget H.R. Niebuhr?", in Boundary 2 34:2 (2007), Duke University Press
M.L. Taylor, Spirit, in BCPT , 377-392
Imparatia lui Dumnezeu: concept al NT
M. Plekon, Easter Orthodox Thought, in BCPT, 93-106
B. Wannenwetsch, Liturgy, in BCPT, 76-90
E.P. Clowney, "The Politics of the Kingdom" WTJ 1979
N.T. Wright, "Resurrecting old arguments: Responding to four essays" in JSHJ 3.2
Texte NT despre basileus si basileia (imparat, imparatie)
Beasley, Kingdom in the present and Jesus
Theissen, Merz: Jesus and the Kingdom
Cateva articole si carti, ca bibliografie pentru eseul lung:
R.A. Stout, Encyclopedia of religion, communication and media
H. Maier (ed), Totalitarianism and Political Religions, vol.1
H. Maier (ed), Totalitarianism and Political Religions, vol.2
H. Maier (ed), Totalitarianism and Political Religions, vol.3
Miscari sociale si teoriile politice, eschatologie:
J.W. de Gruchy, Democracy, Blackwell Companion of Political Theology (BCPT)
D.M. Bell, State and Civil Society, BCPT
R.W. Jenson, Eschatology, BCPT
P. Sedgwick, Globalization, BCPT
R.S. Goizueta, G. Guttierez, BCPT
J.B. Elshtain, Augustine, BCPT
A.A. Hoeckema, A Biblia e o Futuro .
A. Trocme, Jesus and the Non-violent Revolution
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