D.A. Carson, D.J. Moo, L. Morris, Introduction to the NT
B. Witherington, III, NT History
D.E. Aune, Greco-Roman Literature and the NT
P.K. Moser, Jesus and Philosophy. New Essays
The Cambridge Companion to Jesus
The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels
VIATA IN TIMPUL NT // LIFE IN THE NT TIMES: C. Rowland, Scripture: New Testament, in BCPT, 21-34
C.J.H. Wright, Living as the People of God. The Relevance of OT Ethics , Leicester: IVP, 1983, 46-64
N.T.Wright, The New Testament and the People of God , London: SPCK, 1992, 216-243
"covenant", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 176-178
"temple", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 849-851
"circumcision", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 148-149
J.Bright, A History of Israel , London: SCM, 1991, 148-162 (despre legamant)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod , 60-81 (iudeii sub dinastia hasmoneilor)
D.S. Russell, The Jews from Alexander to Herod , 82-102 (iudeii sub romani)
A. Puig, Iisus. Un profil biografic (despre partide si miscari)
INTERPRETARI MESIANICE // MESSIANIC EXPECTATIONS: E.P. Sanders, Judaism. Practice and Belief 63BCE - 66 CE, London: SPCK, 1992, 279-301
D.C. Mitchell, "Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums", Aramaic Studies, Vol. 4.2 (2006): 221-241
VIATA SOCIALA IN TIMPUL NT // SOCIAL LIFE IN THE NT TIME: Rowland, "utopia" (Christian Origins)
Bouquet, "bussines" (Life in the NT)
Bouquet, "slavery" (Life in the NT)
"Casatoria in NT", Dictionary of NT Background (DNTB)
"Sclavia", International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
"Familia socio-economica", Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments (DLNTID)
"Sclavia", Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments (DLNTID)
(Despre viata in lumea greco-romana si NT, vezi si resursele de la Teologia politica a NT)
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