Handing On Divine Revelation: Vatican Council II
Decree On Divine Revelation, Chapter 2
- ... God has seen to it that what He has revealed ...
- would abide perpetually in its full integrity
- and be handed on to all generations.
- ... Christ the Lord ... full revelation of ... God ...
- commissioned the apostles ...
- this commission was faithfully fulfilled ...
- by their oral preaching,
- by example, and
- by ordinances,
- ... (the apostles)
- handed on what they had received
- from the lips of Christ,
- from living with Him, and
- from what He did, or
- what they had learned through the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
- ... in order to keep the gospel forever whole and alive ...
- the apostles left bishops as their successors,
- handing over their own teaching role to them.
- This sacred tradition, therefore, and
- sacred Scripture of both the Old and New Testament
- are like a mirror in which the pilgrim Church on earth looks at God ...
- ... the apostolic preaching,
- which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books,
- was to be preserved by a continuous succession of preachers until the end of time.
- ... what was handed on by the apostles includes
- everything that contributes to
- the holiness of life, and
- the increase in faith of the People of God;
- so the Church
- in her teaching,
- life, and
- worship,
- perpetuates and hands on to all generations
- all that she herself is,
- all that she believes.
- There is a growth in the understanding of
- the realities and
- the words
- which have been handed down ...
- through the contemplation and study made by believers ...
- through the intimate understanding of spiritual things ...
- through the preaching of those who have received through episcopal succession the sure gift of truth.
- Words of the holy Fathers witness to the living presence of this tradition;
- Through the same tradition the Church's full canon of the sacred books is known;
- and the sacred writing themselves are more profoundly understood and increasingly made known in her.
- ... there exists a close connection and communication between
- sacred tradition, and
- sacred Scripture ...
- both of them
- flowing from the same well spring ...
- merge into a unity and
- tend toward the same end.
- Sacred Scripture is the word of God
- consigned to writing under the inspiration of the Spirit;
- sacred tradition hands on in its full purity God's word
- entrusted to the apostles by Christ.
- ... it is not from sacred Scripture alone
- that the Church draws her certainty about everything which has been revealed.
- Sacred tradition and sacred Scripture form one sacred deposit of the word of God.
By Paul Flanagan and Robert Schihl.
Catholic Biblical Apologetics, © Copyright 1985-1997, Paul Flanagan and Robert Schihl
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture texts are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament, © 1986, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
Email comments to pdflan@mindspring.com
Last Updated: January 3, 1997