- Istoria scrierii NT, part1
- Istoria scrierii NT, part2
- O prezentare comparata a evangheliilor NT
- Marcu 1: autor, destinatar
- Marcu 2: structura, teme
- Matei 1 (ftb-2024)
- Matei 2 (ftb-2024)
- Luca 1:autor
- Luca-Fapte (ftb-2024)
- Ioan -partea 1
- Ioan -partea 2
- Problema sinoptica, partea 1
- Problema sinoptica, partea 2
- Problema sinoptica, partea 3
- Genul evangheliilor apocrife
- Evanghelia lui Toma
MANUALE DE REFERINTA // REFERENCE TEXBOOKS Tofana, Introducere in NT, Epistolele Pauline
Kummel, Introduction to the NT
Holladay, Introduction to the NT
Carson, Moo, and Morris, Introduction to the NT
Berkhoff, Introduction to the NT
NT IN CONTEXTUL SAU LITERAR // THE NT IN ITS LITERARY CONTEXT Klauck & Bailey, Ancient letters and the NT.
D.E. Aune, Greco-Roman Literature and the NT
VIATA IN TIMPUL NT // LIFE IN THE NT TIMES: C.J.H. Wright, Living as the People of God. The Relevance of OT Ethics , Leicester: IVP, 1983, 46-64
"covenant", in L. Ryken et al (eds), Dictionary of Biblical Imagery , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 176-178
"temple", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI, Leicester: IVP, 1998, 849-851
"circumcision", in L. Ryken et al (eds), DBI , Leicester: IVP, 1998, 148-149
J.Bright, A History of Israel, London: SCM, 1991, 148-162 (despre legamant)
A. Puig, Iisus. Un profil biografic (despre partide si miscari)
VIATA SOCIALA IN TIMPUL NT// SOCIAL LIFE IN THE NT TIME Rowland, "utopia" (Christian Origins)
Bouquet, "bussines" (Life in the NT)
Bouquet, "slavery" (Life in the NT)
"Casatoria in NT", Dictionary of NT Background (DNTB)
"Sclavia", in International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
"Familia socio-economica", Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments (DLNTID)
"Sclavia", Dictionary of Later NT and Its Developments (DLNTID)
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